Your privacy

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) came into force on 25 May 2018. The GDPR protects your data, and imposes duties on organisations (like our Parish) that make use of this data. Parishes like ours may not make a great deal of use of personal data other than addresses and phone numbers, but organisations we work with, or to whom we are responsible, like the Diocese of London or the Church of England do process personal data. In partnership with you, and with them, we have a duty to protect your data , to get your consent to store personal details, to allow you to know what details we keep for you, to notify you immediately if there is a data breach, and to erase your personal details from our records if requested. The 2 Privacy Notices posted here will help you help us to protect your data, and use it wisely.

There are 2 different notices.

The first is for members of the congregation and members of the community who have given their personal details to the Parish so they can receive pastoral visits, newsletters and the like.

General Privacy Notice

The second is for people who have an elected or appointed role in the Parish. We call them ‘role-holders’. Because of the responsibilities of the work they do, for example as Parish Treasurer, or as a PCC Member, they cannot ask to have their details removed from our records while they are in office – members of the public need to be able to contact them easily.

Privacy Notice for Role-Holders

Please use the form here to register your consent for the Parish to store and use your data responsibly to communicate with you.