Outline of the Visit of our Partner Parish in Berlin

Outline of the Visit of our Partner Parish in Berlin

Outline of the Visit of our Partner Parish in Berlin

# News

Outline of the Visit of our Partner Parish in Berlin

We are looking forward to welcoming our visitors from the Ev. Kirchengemeinde am Weinberg from Thursday 12th to Sunday 15th October. Their visit provides lots of opportunity to join in and share experiences and friendship.

Our visitors are: 

Christine Schlund (Minister)

Rosemarie and Wolfgang Dittrich

Gudrun Dittrich

Christina and Wolfram Bublitz

Gabi and Frank Gerstmann

Jette, Ben and Lotte Gartzke/Kraft

Apart form Jette, Ben & Lotte, they are all staying in local homes. Thank you if you are a host.

The programme for the weekend is:

Friday: arrivals from midday. The main party are arriving around 5pm, having travelled by train from Berlin. Others will arrive from Gatwick at around 7pm. The evening is spent with the hosts.

Friday 8.30am Morning Prayer, followed by a visit to a microbrewery in Bermondsey to brew (and can) beer. Lunch in Bermondsey. This visit is arranged by Marcin Klos, a member of our congregation who runs a craft beer business in Bermondsey.

Gudrun and Frank begin the brewing process, while Nick from the brewery supervises them

Free time

8pm Performance of Queen Marie of Roumania, by the London Dockland Singers at the Space. This opera is a work by Andrew Campling, a member of the congregation. LDS us e Christ Church to rehearse on Monday evenings.

Saturday 9am Morning Prayer. Travel to Coal Drops Yard (Kings Cross) for a walk through this recently rejuvenated area. Time to enjoy the nature reserve, coffee and cake beside the canal and a visit to the site of one of the oldest Christian places of worship in London, Old St Pancras.

4pm Worship planning, tea and a bun at Christ Church Vicarage.

7pm An evening of music making and food, led by Julien Lee and the choir. If you missed their concert in early September this will be a chance to hear them perform again.

Sunday 11am Our joint Sunday worship, with Christine Schlund preaching and leading  the service with Fr. Tom. After the service we encourage everyone to stay and enjoy a simple soup, bread and cheese lunch to fortify our visitors for their journey and to get to know them even better.

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