Music & Arts

We are priviliged to welcome some of the most talented musicians from London and the UK at our recitals at Christ Church.
Follow the link below for upcoming events and recitals, our close partners London Docklands Choir, information on our organ and Director of Music, as well as Bellringing activities.
St Augustine said : “To sing is to pray twice.”
We are currently recruiting singers for various projects and events, including the Easter Services and our monthly sung Evensong . Any prospective singers are warmly invited to contact the Director of Music for more information.
See also: Organ and Bellringing
Christ Church hosts one of the largest and best-loved choral societies in the area: the London Docklands Singers, led by Andrew Campling.
Christ Church is often used as a setting for film projects created by students from Greenwich University. Professional TV companies occasionally use the church for screen tests. Christ Church Vicarage was the setting for scenes from the documentary Churchill and Me.
The church owns a Draper 90 x 120 inch Draper collapsible screen for back projection, and a short throw projector, making it possible to host community cinema in the church. The church often hosts film nights.