Please remember in your prayers those who are ill in body, mind and spirit:

Mary Martinson, Samantha McTasney, Dominika Marchioro, David Longbottom, Peter Harrison, Olive Joseph, Tom Keighley, the Graydon Family, John Tuttle, and Bill Chesshyre


'The prayer of faith will save the sick, and the Lord will raise them up' (from James 5:14)


And those who have died:

Ian Lee Subohon, Doug Wlock, June Ross


'May they rest in peace, and rise in glory' (from traditional Christian liturgy)


Anglican Cycle of Prayer,  

The Church of South India (United)

The Church was inaugurated in 1947 by the union of the South India United Church (itself a union of Congregational and Presbyterian/Reformed traditions), the southern Anglican diocese of the Church of India, Burma, Ceylon, and the Methodist Church in South India. It is one of the four United Churches in the Anglican Communion.