Family Friendly Services
Churches often struggle to define what it is that is different about their family services. Until recently Christ Church was no different! The Mass should, Sunday-by-Sunday, be the family service of the Christian family. But there is no doubt that parts of what it means to be the family of God and the Body of Christ sometimes get lost and forgotten. So now we have devised a family service with a difference, the All-the-Church-Family Service.
In this service we draw people’s attention to the various activities that go on in church or in the name of the church for the furtherance of God’s kingdom. In it's first year we had services which celebrate, in an informal setting, the work of the Sunday School, the Parish Pantry (or Island Gardens Foodbank), the contribution made by mums (and then by dads) to family life and to our church family. We thought about disability and education and we shared what our Bible Study Groups are learning, and celebrated what they do for God and the community when they are not doing Bible study.
See our Calendar for details of the service schedule or contact us