07/08/2024 0 Comments
Advent and Christmas Services 2020
Advent and Christmas Services 2020
# News
Advent and Christmas Services 2020
There will be a lot happening at Christ Church despite the pandemic.
We begin with the two outdoor Advent Calendars in Castalia Square and Grosvenor Wharf Road. These will start, as you'd expect, on 1st December. As will the online Advent Calendar.
We will have both an outdoor and an indoor Christmas tree this year. We will turn on the lights outside on Thursday 3rd December at 6pm.
On Sunday 6th December at 10.30 we'll stage our Sunday School Nativity Pageant which this year will be on Zoom. Mass follows in the normal way.
We'd like to encourage everyone to take a hand in decorating the railings round Christ Church. From Sunday 6th December bring and weave foliage and other decorations between the railings. Let's get crafty!
On Saturday 12 and Sunday 13th December we will be staging Crib At the Door. On Saturday at 6pm we are hosting (in church) the RSCM's Big Carol Service, a national event live-streamed on the big screen to our church. On Sunday at 11am we have our Christingle service, supporting the Children's Society.
On Thursday 17th at 7pm we are hosting (in church again) St Paul's Cathedral's Concert of Carols, live-streamed on the big screen to our church.
On Sunday 20th December at 6.30pm we have our own carol service in church and online.
Sadly, on Christmas Eve we will be unable to stage the Children's Service that we always have such fun with. This year both the 5pm service and the 11.30pm service will be First Masses of Christmas (Midnight Mass, effectively, but in two sittings) There will be the opportunity to book a place at these services, and there will be a reserve list, so we can see if we need to lay on another sitting in between.
On Christmas Day Mass will be at 11am as usual.
All these details are on the banner on the church fence as usual.